Roll Game

Introduction to Roll Game

Roll Game Explanation: How Lucky Numbers Work

The Roll Games on Final Autoclaim are based on a random number generator that produces a Lucky Number each time you roll. The payout you receive is determined by the range in which your Lucky Number falls. Higher Lucky Numbers result in greater rewards.

Lucky Number Ranges and Payouts on DUTCHY Roll

Here is a breakdown of the Lucky Numbers and their corresponding rewards in DUTCHY:

How It Works:

  1. Rolling the Number: Every time you roll, you will be assigned a Lucky Number between 0 and 10000.

  2. Payout Based on Number:

    • If your Lucky Number is 10000, you hit the jackpot and receive the maximum reward of 20000 DUTCHY.

    • For numbers in the range of 9998-9999, you receive 2000 DUTCHY.

    • For lower ranges like 0-9885, you will receive the minimum reward of 100 DUTCHY.

    As the Lucky Number increases, the rewards become more substantial, with the highest possible reward being 20000 DUTCHY for hitting 10000.

This system provides a balance of excitement and reward, with higher Lucky Numbers granting significantly higher payouts.

Additional Considerations:

  • You can increase your earnings by taking advantage of bonuses such as the Loyalty Bonus and Space LP Bonus.

  • Boosted Rolls, which offer 50% extra earnings, also work with this Lucky Number system, giving you even higher rewards for each range.

Coin Roll

At this page, you will find the Coin Roll Game.

Each month, a specific coin available on Final Autoclaim, chosen by the community, will be featured on Coin Roll. This feature allows users to have a say in which coin is available for the Coin Roll during the upcoming month.

Key Points:

  • Monthly Selection Process: The coin for Coin Roll is selected through a community vote using Space Token DAO on the Snapshot platform. Users can vote by holding their SPACE, giving them direct influence over the chosen coin.

  • Voting Platform: Voting takes place on Snapshot, where each user's voting power is determined by the amount of SPACE tokens they hold.

  • Coin Availability: The winning coin will be available for rolls throughout the entire month. Once selected, it will be the featured coin for Coin Roll until the next voting cycle.

Steps to Vote:

  1. Hold your SPACE and participate in the voting process.

  2. The coin with the most votes will be selected for Coin Roll for the upcoming month.

  3. The new coin will become available for rolls starting from the 1st of the month.


At this page, you will find the DUTCHY Roll Game.

The DUTCHY Coin Roll operates similarly to the Coin Roll, but the key difference is that the reward is fixed, allowing users to consistently earn DUTCHY throughout the entire year.

Premium Roll

The Platinum Roll Game allows you to choose any coin available on Final Autoclaim as your reward, DUTCHY included! To unlock access to the Platinum Roll Game, you must be a Silver, Gold, or Platinum member. You can purchase a membership here.

The Premium Roll claim frequency varies depending on your membership tier. Below is a breakdown of the claiming times for each membership level:

By upgrading your membership to Platinum, you can increase the frequency of your Premium Roll claims and maximize your earnings.

Rewards Types

Normal Roll Reward:

  • This is the basic reward for rolling, without any additional boosts or bonuses.

  • It's a fast way to play, but results in lower earnings compared to boosted rolls.

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Boosted Roll Reward:

  • Boosted Roll provide 50% extra earnings compared to normal roll.

  • The boosted reward will be displayed after completing the Boosted Roll.

  • To perform a Boosted Roll, you need to watch a short video or interact with additional content.

We recommend using IconCaptcha if you want to use Boosted Roll!

Last updated