PTC Wall

The PTC (Paid-to-Click) Wall and Surfads are among the fastest ways to earn rewards on Final Autoclaim.

At this page, you will find all the PTC tasks available on Final Autoclaim PTC Wall.

These tasks require minimal effort, making them a popular choice for users who want to earn quickly.

How PTC Wall Works

  • Simple Tasks: PTC tasks involve visiting advertised websites and viewing them for a specified amount of time, usually between 5 and 40 seconds. After viewing the page, users may be required to complete a captcha and click on a confirmation button to validate their visit and receive their reward.

  • Fast Earnings: PTC Wall tasks are designed for speed and efficiency. They are ideal for users who want to earn quickly without spending much time. Rewards are credited instantly upon task completion, and the longer the viewing duration, the higher the DUTCHY reward.

  • Variety of Advertisements: The PTC Wall features a wide range of advertisements, from promotional pages to informative websites. Users are required to view the content for the specified time, but they are welcome to explore further if they find the content interesting.


  • Quick Rewards: PTC tasks are easy and provide immediate rewards in DUTCHY for minimal effort.

  • Levelling Up: Each PTC tasks completed will give you 50 XP, it's a nice way to level up quickly.

  • No Special Requirements: PTC tasks do not require any sign-ups, personal information, or skills—simply view the content and get paid.

  • Opportunities for Advertisers: The PTC Wall offers advertisers a cost-effective way to drive traffic, increase visibility, and attract potential customers.

How to Use the PTC Wall

  1. Select a Task: Browse the available PTC tasks on the PTC Wall page and select one that interests you.

  2. View the Advertisement: Click on the 'Visit' button to visit the advertised website.

  3. Keep the page open and visible for the required duration specified in the task instructions, ranging from 5 to 40 seconds.

  1. Confirm Your Visit: After the timer expires, confirm your visit as required, which will involve solving a simple captcha and clicking the 'Submit' button.

  1. Receive Your Reward: Once validated, a new tab will be opened with the promoted website, you can choose to visit it again if you find it interesting. In any case, the DUTCHY and XP reward will be added to your account balance immediately.

Things to Keep in Mind

  • Avoiding AdBlockers: Ensure that ad blockers are disabled when participating in PTC tasks, as these can interfere with the correct display of advertisements and prevent rewards from being credited.

  • Report Malicious Ads: If you encounter any malicious or inappropriate PTC advertisements, please contact us at to report the issue.

  • Stay within the Rules: Always follow the platform’s rules when completing PTC tasks. Attempting to bypass timers or submit false confirmations can lead to penalties or loss of earnings.

The PTC Wall is a user-friendly and efficient way to earn rewards while helping advertisers achieve their marketing goals. The longer the duration of the ad view, the greater the reward, making it a win-win for both users and advertisers.

Last updated